The giant squid, better known as “Pota” by Peruvians, has become one of the most highly demanded marine resources in the world and the second most important product for the Peruvian fishing sector after anchovy.


According to the Institute of the Sea of ​​Peru (IMARPE), it is considered an under-exploited resource, which means that there is a great extraction potential to supply the international demand that grows every year.


That is why, for 2021, the Peruvian Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) established a catch quota of 580,000 tons, higher than the 560,000 tons established for 2019 and 2020, taking into account that all the extraction is carried out exclusively by artisanal fishermen and that the availability of this resource is for the whole year.


International market situation

Currently, Peru ranks second in the world in exports of giant squid with 14% market share, being surpassed only by China, a country that has 22%.


The high potential of this resource is evident and from now on we can collect some income figures until March 2021. According to the ADEX export report, the non-traditional fishing sector in the category of “Giant squid and squid” has already raised $ 83.4 MM.


In addition, it is important to highlight the countries with the most demanding markets for squid such as: China, South Korea, Thailand, Spain, among others.


Impact on the economy

As it is completely extracted by hand, it has a direct impact on the generation of employment in regions such as Piura, where there is a highly specialized and experienced workforce in the extraction and processing of squid.

In Fernandez, we are proud to have the best workforce in all of Piura and also generate a positive impact on the generation of employment in the community, since the squid industry offers work to more than 25,000 Peruvians a year, contributing with the development of the port regions of Peru.



This solid growth has prompted the appearance of groups such as CALAMASUR and CAPECAL (Peruvian Chamber of the Giant Squid). The second one, made up of a group of independent companies of which we are part, therefore, in Fernández and the entire CAPECAL union, we have the common objective of contributing to the sustainability of the resource, as well as the development of scientific knowledge, of the fishing fleet and the regulatory order of the giant squid.


Undoubtedly, we consider that it is of the utmost importance to exercise activism from the business community in order to ensure the conservation and preservation of one of the most important products of the fishing industry and the world industry for human consumption, since the consequences of indiscriminate fishing can end up affecting the diverse ecosystem of the Peruvian sea.


From Fernández, something that characterizes us is our passion for the Peruvian sea, which is why we care about the conservation of our oceans and everything that exists within them.



– Perú es el principal abastecedor de pota del mundo. Directorio de Empresas de Carga Marítima, Aérea y Terrestre, 2016
-Industrialización y exportación de derivados de la pota. ESAN-Institucional, 2009.
-Crucero de investigación calamar gigante y perspectivas. IMARPE, 2019
-Exportaciones peruanas de calamar gigante., 2019.
-Perú destaca como principal exportador en de pota en América Latina.Prensa, 2018
-Perú autoriza 580 000 toneladas de pota para todo 2021. Industrias Pesquera, 2021.

-Exportación de pota congelada del Perú es impulsada en mercados europeos y asiáticos. América Economía, 2019.

-Pota. MAR DEL PERÚ, 2021.

-Informe Mensual de Exportaciones Enero 2021. Prom Perú, 2021

-Produce elevó la cuota de pesca de 2019 para pota hasta 560,000 toneladas. Gestión, 2019.
-Límite para la captura de pota será de 560 mil toneladas para el 2020., 2020.

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