The Peruvian sea is one of the richest on the planet, due to its particular characteristics such as upwelling phenomena and the ‘Humboldt’ current. Possibly, the reason why the fishing industry in Peru, as well as its products, are so valued worldwide.


Even in our sea, the second most important upwelling phenomenon in the world occurs, key to extractive activity and obtaining hydrobiological products so requested by other countries.


Therefore, it is our obligation that through fishing activity we are responsible with marine biodiversity to continue the sustainability of resources and, it is for this same reason, that there is a regulatory framework that controls and improves the rules of resource extraction.

There are some measures such as:


Quota system:

Maximum Catch Limit per Vessel (LMCE) or Individual Quota

During the fishing season for a product, PRODUCE and IMARPE estimate the total volume that must be extracted in order not to prey on the species and a maximum catch limit per vessel is established.

For example, each of the larger-scale vessels can extract up to a certain amount of anchovy during the fishing season.


The fishing ban

They are a period of time for which it is prohibited to capture, commercialize or consume a certain hydrobiological species.


PRODUCE can establish temporary or spatial closures to protect juvenile fish populations, breeding areas and natural banks, based on IMARPE recommendations.


For example, we have the case of the Perico, which is closed until September 30 throughout the Peruvian coast.


Minimum sizes

This means that there are measures from when hydrobiological resources must be captured for consumption. If the minimum sizes are not respected, the reproduction of marine organisms could be impaired.


For this reason, at Fernández we have strict internal regulations on the minimum sizes of the hydrobiological products with which we work. All this with the great objective of contributing to the preservation of the species of our Peruvian sea.


Vessel monitoring

In 2021, our country imposed a regulation that requires all foreign vessels that enter the country to carry an additional GPS to allow the authorities to more accurately identify the movements of the ship. All this, in order to prevent them from fishing indiscriminately and ending up with the products of our sea, incurring in illegal fishing.


These measures prevent the depredation of marine resources and allow the reproduction of species, since massive and excessive fishing affects the sustainability of our oceans.


From Fernández, we express our rigor with the fulfillment of all the regulations established by the authorities and we ratify our commitment to support other measures that guarantee the protection of the resources of our sea.


Fernández, passion for the Peruvian sea.




-La pesca en el Perú, es posible lograr el desarrollo sostenible de esta actividad en el territorio nacional.

-Reglas de juego en el sector pesca. IMARPE, 21.
-MINAM promueve pesca responsable y sostenible, 2020.
-Perú aumenta controles a la flota extranjera que utiliza sus puertos. MONGABAY, 2020

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